Strawberries always mark the beginning of the growing season for us on Delvin Farms. Our organic strawberries are extra large, plump, deep red and delicious. Voted best berries by taste at many of the six farmers markets we attend, they are by far our customer’s favorite fruit we grow on the farm. During the peak of the season we harvest between 2500-3000 quarts of berries each week from mid May to early June. We have become well known for having some of the
How do we grow our Berries?
Strawberry growing begins in the fall with the purchase of 35,000 organic plug plants. We grow two types of berries, Chandler and CamaRosa, both of which are June bearing varieties meaning they fruit and harvest over an eight week period in the spring and early summer. Raised beds covered with a plastic mulch and centerline driptape provide the perfect conditions for growing big plants with lots of berries. The berries are
What makes our Berries taste so good?
That is a hard question to answer but I’m convinced it is from growing in a living, organic soil full of microbes, organic matter, micro and macro nutrients alike. We water the berries heavily during the fruiting season using the water conserving drip irrigation system. Most importantly, the berries are allowed to fully ripen on the plant before we harvest them. The mid May heat, sunshine, organic soil and water are the perfect combination to create a sweet, juicy strawberry’ie taste.
Come get your Delvin Farms strawberries at any of our farmers markets starting end of April til early June or secure your order by signing up for our CSA program. The 2015 season is shaping up to be a great year for the berries with big plants, lots of blooms and mild temperatures. Come early to the markets as they sell out fast !!
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