Summer is over but our winter CSA program still delivers fresh organic, farm vegetables. For the two months of November and December we shift from summer crops to traditional hearty vegetable crops that we all associate with the holidays and shorter days of winter. Certain types of crops excel in cooler weather and cold nighttime temperatures and these become the focus of the winter growing season for us. Green curly kales, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, arugula, cabbage, lettuce, and tatsoi seem to crave the lower tempe
ratures and double in size in a short period. Gone are the worries of weeding and watering as the frost takes care of most weeds and frequent rains keeps the plants hydrated and growing.

Our 15 acres of sweet potatoes and butternut squashes are harvested and stored in our packing shed. As they cure and dry out after the harvest, the starches turn to simple sugars creating a sweeter, more complex flavor that these vegetables are know for. These stored vegetables are good for months and will be featured in our CSA and farmers markets throughout the upcoming holiday season.

Our winter CSA is harvested in four pickups over the months of November and December. Each 1/2 bushel of organic vegetables are harvested fresh from the fields or in the case of sweet potatoes and winter squashes from our stores of fall harvest.
Fall and winter favorites that are included in our CSA boxes include: sweet potatoes, butternut, green kale, collards, lacinato kale, tatsoi, arugula, turnips, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cheddar cauliflower, white cauliflower, red and green cabbage, lettuce, and brussel sprouts.

Our first winter CSA share saw the last of the tomatoes, peppers and green beans. Organic sweet potatoes, butternut, kales, radish and cabbage filled the remainder of the box.
I am interested in your program. If I understand correctly fall veggies are “boxed” and ready for pick up by the customer. Is there only one pick up point (at your farm)? How much is in a box? I am concerned with the potential loss if not consumed quickly enough. what is the cost? Your farm and your program seem awesome. Thanks. Joe Street
I am trying to find a place to buy organic beef, chicken, eggs and vegetables. However, I am a single senior and buying in bulk doesn’t work for me. I haven’t found anyone who wishes to share with me, so am looking for a place that will sell in smaller quantities.
Thank you